Monday, June 2, 2008

All is good :)

We stopped at the Doctor's office today after we were done at Mike & Kathy's.  Dr. Muniz had studied in the U.S. at John Hopkins Hospital.  He checked Roni out and did a sonogram and said everything was ok and that we shouldn't have any problems with travel this summer.  The sonogram was great, we could see everything so much clearer than we could at our appointment a couple weeks ago.  Jon was so excited as he watched the baby move around on the computer screen, he said it looked like the baby was dancing.  Also, the doctor said he couldn't really tell but we might be having a boy.  We plan to get an appointment sometime in July when we're in arequipa to check on the baby and see if we can tell if its a girl or a boy.  Our next scheduled appointment is on August 2nd with Dr. Hodges in salina... and we don't want to wait that long.

We found out that we have an addition to our Barnabas Team.  Elsa, a young Peruvian chica who has been learning English will be traveling with us this summer.  She has a medical issue that keeps her from going into the higher altitudes, so since we have a similar issue with altitudes (i.e. the baby :-) )  she'll be joining us.  Please be praying for her this summer as she is not a Christian.  We are sure we'll have plenty of chances to witness to her this summer as we are out there.

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